About the Portal

Contributing Partners

The ESG Data Project is the result of collaboration between the World Bank's Finance, Competitiveness and Innovation (FCI) global practice, the World Bank Treasury, and the Development Data Group. The project is funded by the Financial Sector Reform and Strengthening Initiative (FIRST) and the Global Program on Sustainability (GPS). The project also benefits from the Wealth Accounting and Valuation of Ecosystem Services (WAVES) Program and the Human Capital Project.

Team members are also contributors to the Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action (CAPE), the Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS), and the Sustainable Banking Network (SBN). The work of these networks feeds into the work of the ESG data team.


The development of the new portal was led by Dieter Wang and Bryan Gurhy under the guidance of Fiona Stewart and the management of Niraj Verma and the overall direction of Jean Pesme and Haishan Fu. We would like to give special thanks to Heike Reichelt, Samantha Power and Timothy Herzog who pioneered the BETA version of the data portal, launched in 2019. We received invaluable support from our colleagues from across the World Bank Group including among many others:

Girum Abate
Isabel Saldarriaga Arango
Michael Bennett
Eric Bouyé
Michael Brown
Scott Cantor
Raffaello Cervigni
Alex Chunet
Hai-Anh Dang
Ekaterina Gratcheva
Ruth Hill
Farah Hussain
Xavier Jordan
Philipp Kollenda
Aart Kraay
Aaron Levine
Hiroko Maeda
Robert Samuel Marks
Kristen Milhollin
Rachel Mok
Stefanie Onder
Javier Parada
Grzegorz Peszko
Martijn Gert Jan Regelink
Heike Reichelt
Ritesh Sanan
Umar Serajuddin
Tapiwa Sikipa
Anderson Caputo Silva
Carla Cristina Solis Uehara
Josha van Spronsen
Divyanshi Wadhwa

Contact us at esgdata@worldbank.org


The term country, used interchangeably with economy, does not imply political independence but refers to any territory for which authorities report separate social or economic statistics. For more details, visit our page on how the World Bank classifies countries.

The boundaries, colors, denominations and any other information shown on maps on this page do not imply, on the part of the World Bank Group, any judgment on the legal status of any territory, or any endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries Read more.