Country Profile
Sovereign ESG profile
This section presents a snapshot of the most recent ESG values across all three pillars. You can find the complete framework here:
Sovereign ESG Framework.
Use the graph on the right to put this country's ESG scores in context with other income groups, regions or climate profiles.
Land cover profile
Wealth accounting profile
Per capita
Total wealth
$5.28 tn
Human capital
$3.73 tn
Produced capital
$1.02 tn
Natural capital
$546.46 bn
Natural capital, renewable
$321.53 bn
Natural capital, agricultural land
$100.79 bn
Natural capital, subsoil assets: minerals
$5.82 bn
Natural capital, subsoil assets: fossil fuels
$219.11 bn
Note: The values are in constant 2018 US dollars at market exchange rates.
Peer countries
To better understand a country's profile, it is useful to understand it in the context of other comparable countries. Which countries form the set of so-called peer countries can vary depending on the purpose of the comparison. Often we can find peer countries based on common income classifications, geographic regions, or climate profiles. See the FAQ for more details.
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